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BINKD113.ZIP        File size: 187625 bytes    File date: 2021-11-18
Binkd 1.1a-113 (Nov 18 2021 01:00:10/OS2) Compilation flags: gcc (klibc), zlib, bzlib2, https, ntlm, amiga_4d_outbound, bwlim. Facilities: fts5004 rfc2553emu Nightly compilation at 2:221/360 with gcc.exe (GCC) 3.3.5 (Bird Build 2014-10-26 18:53 (csd6)) Needs libc066.dll
BINKD115.ZIP        File size: 188113 bytes    File date: 2022-07-03
Binkd 1.1a-115 (Jul 3 2022 01:00:11/OS2) Compilation flags: gcc (klibc), zlib, bzlib2, https, ntlm, amiga_4d_outbound, bwlim. Facilities: fts5004 rfc2553emu Nightly compilation at 2:221/360 with gcc.exe (GCC) 3.3.5 (Bird Build 2014-10-26 18:53 (csd6)) Needs libc066.dll
BINKDA99.ZIP        File size: 184714 bytes    File date: 2020-02-01
Binkd 1.1a-99 (Jan 30 2020 01:00:09/OS2) Compilation flags: gcc (klibc), zlib, bzlib2, https, ntlm, amiga_4d_outbound, bwlim. Facilities: fts5004 rfc2553emu Nightly compilation at 2:221/360 with gcc.exe (GCC) 3.3.5 (Bird Build 2014-10-26 18:53 (csd6)) Needs libc066.dll
MFREQ317.ZIP        File size: 614928 bytes    File date: 2021-02-19
mfreq is a suite of tools for FTS style file requesting. It consists of a file index generator, filelist generator and a SRIF compatible file request handler. Version: mfreq 3.17 Group: Applications/FTN License: EUPL URL: https://github.com/ftnapps/mfreq Author: Markus Reschke 2:240/1661@FidoNet This archiv contains OS/2 32Bit EMX binaries.

Files: 4    Kilobytes: 1147

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